WELCOME 2 GODSONGSHEART2HEART !!! ~ What a sweet opportunity to share my GOD SONGS freely with others ! It is a sweet blessing that God chose my heart to share His Love Notes ♫ ~ from His heart 2 my heart 2 your heart! All of my God Songs are His songs, His lyrics, His melodies, His heartbeat of rhythms and Love Notes inspired by the Holy Spirit’s Fire of Inspiration that He downloads into my heart! I am simply the messenger of His Love Notes ♫ ! I love that He uses the voice of my heart to sing His Songs ~ my God Songs!

My God Songs are my God testimonies (my Godstories) which have been inspired and born out of the Love Story God has written upon my heart through the Gospel of Peace Message woven throughout all of Pastor James B Richard’s books & my DADDYGOD’S LIVING WORD ~ the BIBLE! It’s a pretty sweet gift and blessed opportunity He has given me to SING His Love Notes through The Gospel of Peace message to others through my Godsongs!! ☺

My heart is so thankful for how the Holy Spirit has inspired Pastor Jim’s heart with the Gospel of Peace message which in turn has inspired my heart to sing the Gospel of Peace message to others ~ ♥ Heart to heart ! ♥ It has caused me to fall in love with the love the Lord has for me! It is my pleasure to share God’s heartbeats of rhythms ~ the Heartbeat of Heaven ~ with you which are more enjoyable to listen to when cranked up!!

As DaddyGod downloads more Godsongs into my heart and I record them, I will be more than happy to share them here on my WWW.GODSONGSHEART2HEART.COM website I am SO very thankful to be able to share my GODSONGS MP3’s FREELY with you, as well as my Godstories Behind my Godsongs, Godsong Worship Videos & Lyric / Chord charts! I continue praying for the Holy Spirit’s Fire of Inspiriation to download more of His sweet and annointed love messages into my heart to share with all of your hearts!!! I personally can’t wait for more as I know God has more GOD SONGS to download into my heart !!!

222 ~ Heart 2 heart Blessings from His Heart 2 my heart 2 yours! ~ 222