Oct 22nd, 2014 by GodsongsHeart2Heart

By: GodsongsHeart2Heart Oct 22nd, 2014


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GODSTORY BEHIND ” ALL ” Fullscreen capture 8202014 101359 AM.bmp

ALL © 2014 GodsongsHeart2Heart Ministry www.GodsongsHeart2Heart.com

GodsongsHeart2Heart Ministry is thrilled to invite you to join in a worship moment with me while listening to my new Godsong release, “ALL” ! “Lord, I found that ALL You are is ALL I need & ALL I ever needed!” I invite you ALL to Dive into the River of Love with me as we celebrate ALL that He is living & breathing His ALL into ALL of us! His LOVE & HIS ALL is TRUE FREEDOM!!

There is a history in ALL that I’ve been through! Through it ALL, the best part is now I have it ALL because of HIS STORY which is my Godstory ! My heart’s healing journey is summed up in experiencing His ALL ~ His Story baptizing me in the River of Love where His crimson blood flowed to set me free through His Finished Work at the Cross, His burial & Resurrection! His Story written upon the tablets of my heart is a Love Story that came down and healed my soul! Through His Finished work He’s healed ALL of me ~ every level of my being to my spirit’s breath, soul, every organ & cell of my body, my physical & spiritual senses, the real me, my identity is ALL in who He says I am ! Jesus, You gave Your ALL so You could be my ALL ~ my everything ~ everything I have ever or will ever need You have satisfied it ALL through giving Your ALL ~ Your everything for me !!!

All I was ~ all I thought I was ~ is now dead. When my heart believed & received the Truth of how His Finished Work wrote His Love Story upon my heart, I saw the old me ~ my sense of self ~ die with Jesus. That “old me” ~ ALL I believed myself to be through my growing up years on into my adult years whose sense of identity was based on broken, inaccurate, fear-based thinking that produced mind traps & negative personal judgments that affected my perception / perspective on reality, as well as my interpretation (what I saw, heard & experienced was a reflection of how I saw myself) of reality was now dead, too.

It wasn’t until I began to see myself through DaddyGod’s eyes ~ through His view & opinion of me ~ that I was able to experience life / others / including myself through His perspective & from His point of view! His Story is a Love Story that gave me ALL the LOVE I had ever needed & longed for in the deep place of my heart & soul. The best part is now I have it ALL because I have it ALL in His Love that is living & breathing on the inside of me! His ALL is my ALL which has given me NEW LIFE & the BEST LOVE OF ALL ~ ALL made possible through the Finished Work of Jesus & discovering the TRUTH about His Love Story upon my life through the Gospel of Peace!!! I am free in the River of His Love to the fullest degree of Freedom!! My eyes are FREE to see ALL of Him ALL over the inside of me! My eyes are free to see myself through His eyes of Love! His Love gave me NEW EYES = NEW VISION(s) !!! From the very moment I began to BELIEVE His view & opinion of me (because His righteousness IS my reality), it has taken me to deeper & deeper places in His River of Love to experience ALL He’s done for me!!!

Although I came to Jesus & gave Him my heart at the age of 5, my experience of His love & His identity being mine was not defined until I was introduced to the Gospel of Peace. I was emotionally & mentally exhausted with religion / legalistic teaching trying to follow ALL the rules / regulations / Thou shalt nots to try to keep / earn and manage my salvation. I thought the more I gave my ALL , followed the rules & was a good girl the more I felt saved (although temporarily). The second I messed up, even accidentally, I thought I lost Jesus out of my heart and would beg Him to come back into my heart. Needless to say, this kind of believing / thinking kept me in constant fear of dying or the rapture taking place….what if I wasn’t good enough or had done a good enough job that day giving my ALL to be good enough to keep my salvation. What if I couldn’t remember every sin or wasn’t aware of every sin I had committed to ask for forgiveness? I felt my salvation was on the line every second of every day. Thus, I never felt the JOY of my salvation through believing that works righteousness (that my salvation was all up to me to manage / keep by doing good works or following the rules) was the key to experiencing salvation / eternal life.

Through the Gospel of Peace I learned that my ALL (even the best behavior day I could have / keeping the rules) really wasn’t good enough which is the whole reason DaddyGod sent Jesus to be my RIGHTEOUSNESS!!! Through FAITH believing JESUS is my RIGHTEOUSNESS ~ MY ALL ~ I was able to see / experience how the FINISHED WORK OF JESUS provided to the FULL MEASURE ALL my RIGHTEOUSNESS through Jesus death, burial & Resurrection! The work I was trying to DO to try become or stay righteous was not working because I can never become righteous by exhausting myself on the hamster wheel of people pleasing and believing that working for my righteousness is what makes me righteous / in good standing / or pleasing to the Lord!!! FAITH RIGHTEOUSNESS was a LOVE REVELATION to my heart, soul & spirit!!! I was actually very relieved / felt inexpressible joy & freedom to discover, believe & receive JESUS RIGHTEOUSNESS is ALL MINE because of ALL that HE went through for me to purchase & seal my everlasting righteousness through His Finished Work !!!

Through it ALL ~ I learned to not judge myself and to forgive myself just as Jesus does! Even while on the Cross He exclaimed to His Heavenly Daddy ~ ” FATHER, FORGIVE THEM for they know not what they do ! ” I didn’t know the truth so even though I unknowingly was laboring in vain for the feeling of being righteous & saved, Jesus & DaddyGod still saw me through the righteousness of Jesus even though my eyes / my vision was distorted because of my heart beliefs that had not yet come to know /experience the TRUTH of Faith Righteousness! Through Jesus & DaddyGod’s eyes, I was already as I should be ~ righteous in their sight ~ not because of ALL that I had done or tried to do to become righteous but because I had already accepted Jesus into my heart when I was 5. Nothing ever separated me from His LOVE from their perspective even while I sometimes felt that failing to be righteous through my own strength wasn’t keeping me righteous. I am SO THANKFUL I received the TRUTH !!! I am SO GRATEFUL I heard & believed the TRUTH through the Gospel of Peace!! It was the very moment I believed that I received the experience of freedom, joy, love & ALL that He died & rose again to give to me through giving HIS ALL for me!!

ALL FOR YOU, ALL I GIVE ~ GIVE MY LIFE TO FOREVER LIVE WITH YOU !!! I proclaim my FREEDOM SONG ~ my ALL ~ to His heart everyday!! I have invited Him to use it ALL ~ all of my hurt, disappointments, wounds, my healing journey, the talents & Godsongs He’s given me, His smile upon my life, the deep feeling & experience of being loved by His Love ~ MY ALL ~ for HIS GLORY ! HIS ALL is MY ALL !!!

My Godsong, ALL is my FREEDOM SONG that I invite to become your FREEDOM SONG, too!! Now that I have it ALL ’cause He gave His ALL for you & me !! I invite you to read Pastor Jim B. Richards books which are listed at the bottom of my Godsong homepage. Each time that I read his books based on the Gospel of Peace, including “Moving Your Invisible Boundaries”, (the most recent of his books I read), I have learned & experienced MORE of DaddyGod’s Love through Jesus Finished Work at the Cross, His burial & Resurrection! His LOVE ~ HIS ALL ~ is SO PERSONAL to me now like never, ever before!!!

In his newest book, MOVING YOUR INVISIBLE BOUNDARIES (pages 60, 99, 117, 99, 194 most especially), it inspired my Godsong, “ALL” the more & more I meditated upon the TRUTHS that HIS ALL is ALL that I’ll ever need!! His ALL ~ the FULLNESS OF GOD ~ which encompasses everything that He is & everything that He has & ALL that He has done for us ~ inspires my heart to want to give my ALL back to His heart & loving others from this place HIS ALL has healed the innermost depths of my heart, soul, mind & body!

LUKE 10:27 ~ ” Love the Lord your (Daddy)God with ALL your HEART (that’s the real me, my feelings, the reservoir & storehouse of my thoughts that create my identity of how I see myself through His eyes), with ALL your SOUL (the home of my mind, emotions & will), with ALL your STRENGTH (my power, strength, ability & capacity to be who He says I am comes through His Grace which empowers me through His power, strength, ability & His capacity) and with ALL your mind (my mind is part of my soul)! (added emphasis is mine)

I LOVE to sing my ALL for JESUS from ALL of my heart, soul, strength & mind!! Join in celebration & worship time with me as we sing our ALL to our ALL in ALL ~ JESUS CHRIST ~ the same yesterday, today & forever !!! He is with us, for us & in us in ALL ways & for ALL-ways!! ♥ “There’s more than enough, yeah dive right in, in the River of Love, yeah, jump on in! Come on & ALL jump in !”

“Moving Your Invisible Boundaries”, Jim B Richards, www.ImpactMinistries.com, pages 60, 62, 97-99, 117, 139, 188, 194

Romans Chapter 6
Luke 10:27

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